01 about
We're Prototype, a connected product prototyping studio based in south London. We specialise in prototyping hardware & software products.
Working with brands, agencies & start-ups, we help turn ideas into fully working prototypes and we do it fast.
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Born out of lockdown and remote working, we're a group of designers and developers that came together with a shared passion for creating connected hardware and software products.
We believe that creating a functional prototype and putting it in the hands of a real person as early as possible, is the single most important thing when it comes to product design.
Many product design studio's spend way too much time and money focussing on the look and feel of a connected product before they've even created a proof of concept. Before they know if it's even good or not.
Often, this is because creating functional connected hardware is seen as being too expensive or specialist and it's easier to focus on the design and UX side of things. That's where we come in.
We're experts at identifying core functionality and our rapid prototyping methodology means we can bring your idea to life much faster and more efficiently than tradional product design consultancies.
02 capabilities
We specialize in creating bespoke hardware + software protoypes that connect to mobile devices or the cloud. That's our sweet spot.
Often this involves a handful of technologies and our core capabilities are:
Proof of concept
iOS & Android applications
Rapid hardware prototyping
Embedded software
Bluetooth & BLE
IoT and wireless
Voice Interfaces
Computer Vision
A.I. and Machine Learning

03 work
Most of the work we do is for early stage start-ups or stealth projects for existing larger companies. Proper 'secret squirrel' type stuff. The projects we have worked on since we launched this year are still under NDA but we hope to be able to share some of these with you in due course.